Thursday, June 26, 2008

Baby News

Alrighty, Amber and several others cannot believe that I don't have a myspace, facebook, or a blog. So, here it is! I have finally given in to the peer pressure. We made our second trip to the doctor yesterday. The baby's heart beat is a healthy 164 beats per minute. I am carrying it very low. The nurse was searching for the heartbeat in the center of my stomach and could not find the heartbeat for a period of time that felt like several minutes, but was probably more like 1 or 2. She finally decided to move lower and BAM! There was that marvelous sound. I am officially 12 weeks and 5 days and weigh 97.9 lbs with clothes on. Still no clue on names or nursery decour, but we'll get there.


amber leann said...

YAY! You have a blog! You are very good at writing too I might add!

Stacy said...

So glad you are bloggin' this wonderful adventure! The next months and years will be filled with little things you won't want to forget and your blog is a great way to record them... and for me to be nosey and see what you are up to! I can suggest names if you need.... for a girl I like sexy and for a boy... I guess Stacy would work.

Shea said...

Yay Tiffany! Blogs are soooo addictive! I haven't started one of my own yet either, but maybe someday! Glad to hear everything is going well.

LindseyB said...

stacy and amber pressured me until i started one too.....those two are a force to be rekoned with. congrats on the pregnancy and i hope all goes well!!!